“Testing Infrastructure as Code should be as easy as testing Application Code”
I began my Cloud journey in college, working on one of the projects for our Labs. It was a Xamarin Mobile Application which helped friends split expenses and the contacts were brought in through your Facebook Connections. It was the first time I used any Cloud Service Provider for hosting the backend APIs and using an Authentication Provider (Azure Active DIrectory in this case).
The process of setting up these services, at least, for me, was a little unclear as I was doing a lot of trial and error. But things did work at the end.
Infrastructure as Code has become the standard way of provisioning resources in the cloud these days, and as such, tools like Terraform, Amazon CDK and Pulumi, and obviously countless others have boomed in their popularity. And rightfully so, as long as things can be versioned and maintained in source control; and can be tested — they’re the best way to create infrastructure.
Writing Infrastructure as Code A.K.A IaC
As mentioned above, there are lots of different ways to go about IaC, and each have their reasoning for approaching it the way they have. I personally like Terraform, as it is declarative and has a fairly simple language construct.